Saturday, January 10, 2009


We have made it to Chicago despite some lake effect snow falling yesterday. We enjoyed a day shoveling snow today and visiting family. The girls are having a great time playing with cousins and getting spoiled by their aunt and uncle. We hope to depart on Monday morning and are praying for clear weather. So far the forecast is for sunny skies. We hope to arrive at our destination later in the week, but will wait out any storm that may come our way before we try to travel through it all.

The trek from NJ to MI was slow!! I never thought I would use my hazards as much as I did. The van was getting fantastic gas mileage...the best I have ever gotten on the highway especially with the van being as loaded as it is.

We have seen some great wildlife. The girls enjoy seeing animals of all kinds wherever we go. Thanks for all your prayers. We know you're praying because we've made it this far without any incident.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Colesville Hillbillies On Our Way!!

We are heading to Canada tomorrow, January 5!! Our bags are packed and our vehicles are loaded. We are now looking forward to getting to our destination around the 15th. We are visiting a few supporters and family in the mid-west on our way through. We wish we could stop and visit with all of you, we hope to touch base with the rest of you on another trip.

We hope to keep you posted as we travel. We're praying nothing too exciting happens along the way! Thank you for your prayers, and please don't stop!!