Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cardston and Beyond

It already feels like we were at MDP a long time ago, but actually it wasn't. After leaving MDP we traveled to Cardston, Alberta where we met many Native believers and members of the church there. The pastor and the members of the church had a little barbecue and rafting trip planned for us the first Sunday we were there. We were able to leave the girls in trustworthy hands for a little over an hour to enjoy the river and then were able to socialize with the members who were at the barbecue. We spent the next couple days traveling around Cardston and going on a bus ride on the reserve to get a better idea of what is going on there. Our bus driver is a Native believer who has a passion for the youth in the area, and he's a strong believer. It was a great time to talk openly with him about issues on the Reserve and what he thought should be done.

All of our reservations and nervousness about serving in Cardston were taken away and replaced with an excitement and a sense of urgency to get there. We were told numerous times that we are an answer to their prayers. The church wants to reach out to the reserve and we would be able to help in that area. All the focus of the church has been on the Mormon population. Just about all of the people in the church have left the Mormon church. The Mormon church is growing rapidly in numbers, and since we will be in the midst of all that we and the girls will have to arm ourselves with the Word of God and will have to get to know the ins and outs of the Mormon church. The picture here on the right is a picture of the Mormon temple where only a few Mormons ever get to enter, and where only certain ceremonies take place.

After leavin Cardston we were able to help friends of our move to Longview which is a couple hours north from Cardston. Once we get there it will be nice to take a day or two here and there to visit and just get away with friends of the same faith. It's also a plus that they have two beautiful girls to play with our girls when we get together.

Being able to visit Cardston gave us a sense of urgency to get there. The mountain in this picture is called Chief Mountain, and it is considered to be a very spiritual place for the Natives in the area. It's a place to get closer to the great spirit and to connect to the spirits out there. Traditional spiritism, or Native religion is growing in popularity as well.

We have our work cut our for us once we get there, and it's work to get there. Thank you to all who support us in any and every way. Without you we wouldn't be able to reach those who have never heard the Truth of God.