Monday, December 8, 2008

Cardston Bound

Cardston Bound

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank-you for all your encouragement over the last bit. We are happy to inform you that if we find a home to stay in, we are heading to Cardston in beginning of January.

I cannot tell you how excited we are about this, as I am sure you are too. With this new step in our journey approaching quickly we realize how much has to be done in order to get across the border.

The girls are excited about Christmas coming and so are we. We pray that as we, and I'm sure most of you, get involved in the many festivities surrounding the holidays we wouldn't forget who we are celebrating. We pass a giant santa blow-up figure in our travels around here and Karina and Eden are just fascinated with how big it is. It also gives us the opportunity to discuss the real reason why we celebrate Christmas, and why we give presents to those we love. They continue to absorb things like sponges and we are trying to utilize that ability for memorizing scripture and the truths of God's Word. We pray you all have a blessed Christmas this year.

We also ask you to please continue to pray for us as we finish our packing and prepare to leave. Please continue to pray for native people on the Blood Reserve, that they will hear the Truth and the Truth will set them free.