Saturday, September 13, 2008

Still in the States

I watched Karate Kid last night, parts of it. He became extreemly frustrated at Mr. Miagi(not sure if that s right) because it seemed like all Mr. Miagi wanted him to do was wax cars, paint fences, sand decks and paint his house. Karate Kid was getting sick of fixing up Mr. Miagi's stuff and not getting to the real training and he let Mr Miagi know it. It was then that Mr. Miagi let Karate Kid know why he was working around the house. As Karate Kid was doing chores he was learning very valuable ways of defending himself. Karate Kid was being taught valuable lessons though he did not know it, he was learning important things he would need in the future even though it was extreemly frustrating.
I feel that is where we are at right now. We have everything lined up to go, most of the bags are packed, we have our house rented (so far so good), and we are surviving at Laura's parents. We are nearly ready to hook the truck up to the trailer and head to Cardston. We just need a "green light" from Interact, they are waiting for our support to be at a safe level.
This is extreemly frustating for Laura and myself, ok maybe just myself. I really felt that God was leading our team to get to Cardston by September 23rd so we could get some great training at the end of September.
Please pray for us as we brace ourselves for an extended amount of time here. Pray for us as we start to try new ventures in support raising. We are thinking of putting together a team that will help us support raise and get to the field.
We know in our heads that God has a purpose for all of this and we are learning things that we really need to know even though it can be a very frustrating time. I also know that this will not make us weaker, but will make us stronger and we will experience so many new things of our Saviour and Lord.

In the meantime we have been busy trying to meet new contacts, recently I met with a pastor of a church we have a connection with. We will also need to meet with the mission commitee. Please pray that they will join you and I in reaching the native people for Christ.

Also I have had the oppurtunity to do some work which helps us make ends meet. I started doing repairs on a porch and it became evident that the whole thing needed to be replaced. This added some challanges to the project and I am enjoying it. It also tends to be "therapy" as we go through this challanging time. The Lord has also opened the other avenues of providing for us, a house to side, a cabinet install, and a small trim job.

God still does provide for us!

Karina, has started kindergarten and as I look through the lessons I realize that some of what she is learning I don't even know. I know I wouldn't make it very far in "are you smarter than a kindergartener" game, let alone a fifth grader.

Lord, All our bags are packed we're ready to go....

I wrote this message about a week and a half ago, since then we have an additional 8% on our support. Praise the Lord! This brings us to 75%.

In Christ, Roy for the Thiessens